Home / Products / Discmania | Foldable Target

SKU: BA2980DI31
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Discmania Foldable Target Our mission at Discmania is to make Discgolf a global sport. Sometimes, especially if a course is a ways away, you might be taking that enjoyment to your backyard or over to the park. For this reason, we've developed the Discmania Foldable target which is an affordable, and easy-to-assemble solution designed to get you playing disc golf anywhere and anytime. It has a sturdy center pole, durable canvas top, and cold galvanized chains. The tripod base and basket lock into place from a collapsed position for super quick assembly. The weight of the basket is only 7.5 kg, and a shoulder strap bag is included to make transportation even smoother.


Die Mission von Discmania ist es, die Entwicklung des Discgolfs zu beschleunigen, indem sie leidenschaftlichen Menschen auf der ganzen Welt aufregende, qualitativ hochwertige Produkte und Erlebnisse bieten.

Discmanias Mission ist es, Discgolf zu einem globalen Sport zu machen, indem sie es jedes Jahr in ein neues Land bringen.